The Grey Go-Away-Bird is named for its distinctive call and is a common resident of northern and central Namibia, northern and eastern Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Swaziland and north-eastern South Africa. It is also found in Zambia, Malawi and Angola.

Appearance: The Grey Go-away-bird is monochromatic grey with a distinctive crest. Male and female birds are identical, while the juveniles are paler with a shorter crest.

Size: This large bird measures 47-50cm and weighs 200g.

Habitat: The Grey Go-away-bird is found in dry savannah, broad-leaved Burkea woodland and dry riverine woodland. It is a common visitor to suburban gardens. They are often seen roosting in groups of 3 to 5 birds at night or flying heavily below the tree tops in search of food.

Feeding Habits: They eat fruit, flower petals, buds, leaves, nectar, flies, mites, ticks and lice.

Call: The loud, nasal call is unmistakable and sounds like ‘Gu-Way’ and ‘cha cha cha’. Immatures utter, ‘how how…’

Breeding: 2 to 3 eggs are laid on a flat flimsy platform of intertwined twigs placed 3 to 10m above the ground in a thorny tree. Eggs are incubated by both parents.