Arebbusch Travel Lodge is home to a wide range of bird species. The Namibia Bird Club has so far identified 38 bird species on Arebbusch Travel Lodge. Below are listings for some of the 38 bird species that have been identified and new listings will be added on a regular basis. Check back often to see which new bird listing has been added. 

Grey Go-Away-Bird

Grey Go-Away-Bird

The Grey Go-Away-Bird is named for its distinctive call and is a common resident of northern and central Namibia, northern and eastern Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Swaziland and north-eastern South Africa. It is also found in Zambia, Malawi and Angola. Appearance:...

Marico Flycatcher

Marico Flycatcher

The Marico Flycatcher is near endemic to southern Africa, ranging from southern Angola and Zambia to Namibia, Botswana, northern South Africa and southern Mozambique. Appearance: Male and female birds are alike with a distinctive dusty brown upper body and almost...

Scaly-feathered Finch

Scaly-feathered Finch

The Scaly-feathered Finch is near-endemic to southern Africa, and is found from Zimbabwe and northern South Africa to Botswana, Namibia and the south-western Angola. Appearance: A very small bird with black and white feathered fore-crown which resembles scales. The...

Red-headed Finch

Red-headed Finch

The Red-headed Finch is near-endemic to southern Africa and highly nomadic out of the breeding season, when they move about in large flocks. Appearance: The Red-headed Finch is a small brownish bird. The males have a red head and bold white spotting on the breast,...

Burnt-necked Eremomela

Burnt-necked Eremomela

The burnt-necked Eremomela is a tiny inconspicuous warbler which is difficult to spot. It is fairly common in its preferred habitats from Zambia to Malawi and south into southern Africa. Appearance: Both male and female birds are grey-brown above with pale yellow-buff...

Acacia Pied Barbet

Acacia Pied Barbet

The Acacia Pied Barbet is a fairly common resident and almost endemic to Southern Africa. They are usually seen singly or in pairs. Appearance: It is similar in appearance to the Red-fronted Tinkerbird. However, the latter has a narrower eye-stripe and no throat...

African Red-eyed Bulbul

African Red-eyed Bulbul

The African Red-eyed Bulbul is a very common south-west African resident. And is near-endemic with some movement between different regions. Appearance: The African Red-eyed Bulbul is also known as the black-fronted bulbul. The body is brown with a light black chest,...

Black-throated Canary

Black-throated Canary

A very common resident bird, black-throated canaries are members of the finch family and form large flocks in winter. Appearance: These small dull, grey-brown birds have a distinguishing black smudge on the throat and a bright yellow rump. The white tip of the tail is...

Laughing Dove

Laughing Dove

The laughing dove is abundant in southern Africa and has adapted well to living alongside mankind. Appearance: Male and female birds are very similar with grey bodies, a pinkish-grey head, rufous chest with black spotting and a rust-coloured back. The female is...

Grey-backed Camaroptera

Grey-backed Camaroptera

Grey-backed Camaroptera are resident breeders in sub-Saharan Africa. Appearance: The grey-backed Camaroptera is a warbler and very similar in appearance to the Green-Backed Camaroptera. Recent studies imply that they may be the same species. The only distinguishing...

If you spot a bird at Arebbusch Travel Lodge that does not appear below, we would love to hear about it, and if you are lucky enough to get a picture of it, we would love it if you shared that with us too. Click here to contact us and let us know about the birds that you have seen at Arebbusch Travel Lodge and share your photos of them with us.